nice :P
what program did you use for your images like this one?
looks awesome... count whit it in my fishing kit :J
nice :P
what program did you use for your images like this one?
looks awesome... count whit it in my fishing kit :J
Painter and Photoshop
i dunno why i liked it a lot, i like so much ur realistic style!
i would say " teach me master" but i really prefer my own works a little bit more cartooned... but watch this pieaces of art really motivates me... TRASH BIIIIRD :p
oh, thanks nodcraft :D
Love that efect of Detail
i liked that effect of tecture that u gave to all those things in the picture.. seriously, pretty nice use of the textures, and thanks, i think ive realized whats wrong whit my toilet...
If you ever need any more help with toilets, or squirrels, this is the guy to call. You don't want to know what he does with them afterwards...
q onda bato, haha es bueno ver Mexicanos presentes en NG!
ya t recomende para el portal (ayuda equivalente pleeease :C)
te puse 8 porq esta chido el material.. nomas muy simple y cheche :J
pero bueno sigue asi!
Ah por supuesto que si :)
lastima que no halla mucho mexicano :P
ya me han molestado los gringos por eso....
Pero gracias por tu comentario!
Pretty nice huh!
i like to touch my claytastic-self (orgasmic voice) - salad fingers
hahaha i agree.... homind is the best made of the 3
hoho, THANKS A LOT!!!!
Simple, Elegant, AWESOME
i really love this kind of art, realistic but not too realistic, detailed but not to detailed, i also practice cartooning myself in this style actually , just one thing really captivated me on this draw, is the efect in the eyes, ive never tryed to take my draws into photoshop (the cartoon mes.. i photoshoped some other things) but the efect of the eyes, you almost can perseve the emotions he's thinking or something like that.. i cant descibe it right.. but i liked it a lot
Thanks for taking the time to write that, much appreciated. :)
its really amazing how can you turn some simple lines to a piece of art... do you started drawing whit this goal in your head? Cuz if you dont..... RESPECT MAN! ive had some "man im just drawing shit... omg whats this... i like it... wow this got potential :D " stuff..... BUT IF YOU DID draw whit this goal...RESPECT MAN! i would like to see someone whit a tatoo like that.. just imagine your art at the arm of... CHUCK NORRIS :O
i remember just having a goal of drawing wolverine in my own style and then this happened really. it was drawn in a pub too i think. chuck norris can't have tattoos his muscle would push the ink out.
im a great zela fan and i´ll give u a 9 cuz u did great!!! ur really good... just... i didnt like the expression.. i mea.. it lacks of emotion in his face.. like if he wa dead...
thats the expression i was going for ... link is always such a quiet character that i decided to make him look like a emotionless warrior hence the blood.
thanks for writing
Niiiiice! where can i get one of those?
the ilustration is awesome... and the blood effect (wich is pretty hard) looks great! just ... the style of guns... doesnt catch with the car.. i mean... the style of drawing of the car is a bit more realistic than the guns and the spikes of the front.......
yeah i know. thats basically coz i'm not good at drawing technical stuff like cars so i did a lot of tracing :( sorry. anyhow, it's all for the final product! glad you like it :)
Age 32, Male
Eat tummys
A very strange world ...
Joined on 7/24/07